Truck accidents happen in many ways, and every way they occur can be dangerous to anyone on the road with them or nearby. That is especially true with jackknife truck accidents, where the truck’s tractor and trailer form a “V” shape. If you were hurt in an accident like this, seek out the help of our Orange County jackknife truck accident lawyer to get the hands-on support you need to recover damages.
To help our clients, our truck accident attorneys investigate all details of the incident to determine what went wrong. That allows us to determine fault in the case. There are several common reasons why jackknifing occurs.
Bad braking: One of the most common causes of jackknifing occurs when the truck driver does not brake soon enough, brakes too hard, or tries to brake suddenly. This is made worse by a truck with a full load. The trainer swings to the side, causing the accident.
Speeding: Trucks traveling too fast are also likely to jackknife, especially when making turns along curvy roads or when road conditions are wet. The trailer swings to the side as it loses traction.
Driver error: Drivers can make many mistakes that can cause jackknifing to happen. That includes failing to judge the speed and distance of other vehicles, sudden lane changes, or not adjusting to weather conditions.
Cargo loading: If the cargo loading company fails to load it in the proper manner, and any type of material comes loose, that can create imbalances that cause jackknifing to occur. Overloading the truck can also cause this.
Mechanical failures: There are times when poorly maintained vehicles are at an increased risk of jackknifing. For example, if the tires fail, the steering goes out, or the suspension snaps, that can increase the risk of accidents.
Jackknifing is a serious occurrence and has been shown tocause serious injury and damage when it happens. That includes an increased risk of fatalities and catastrophic injuries in those struck by the uncontrollable vehicle.
Drivers and trucking companies can minimize the risk of jackknifing by enhancing safety equipment on the vehicle and ensuring routine maintenance checks. They can also make sure drivers are following the rules of the road by taking breaks.
Who Is to Blame in a Jackknife Accident?
Gathering all of the details of the accident helps our Orange County jackknife truck accident attorney determine who is to blame. It could be one or more parties, including:
The truck driver for errors they make
Trucking companies for failing to meet compliance requirements
Cargo loading companies that cause overloading or failures
Equipment maintenance teams for the truck
Manufacturers, if a defective design leads to an incident
If you were in an accident like this, your personal injury attorney will gather information about what occurred and how it happened. Our goal is to determine who is responsible so you can receive full and fair compensation for your losses.
Contact Our Orange County Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney Now
Learn more about what your rights are after an accident like this. Reach out to our Orange County jackknife truck accident lawyer to find out how we can help you.
Call DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo today for a free consultation to learn more about how you can hold those who hurt you accountable.