Diocese of San Diego Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Diocese of San Diego Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer

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It is alarming how many people have suffered clergy abuse around the country. Thousands of children and youth have faced clergy sexual abuse in California alone. The Diocese of San Diego is not free from accusations against its religious personnel. A national database compiling the names of accused priests shows 54 within the diocese as of October 2019. If you or a loved one is a survivor of clergy sexual abuse in San Diego, the Diocese of San Diego clergy abuse lawyers at DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo may be able to help you bring a claim. We can keep your identity anonymous 100% of the time if desired. Start with a free, confidential evaluation at our local law office or your home. Call us at (714) 783-2205 today.

Why Choose Us?

  • We can gather all necessary information about your case to bring a claim through one or more outlets for recovery in San Diego.
  • Our Orange County, California injury lawyers know how to use aggressive tactics to negotiate the best possible outcomes.
  • We have years of experience and are not afraid to go up against major defendants such as the Diocese of San Diego.
  • We are conscious of our client’s needs and only bill legal fees if we secure compensation awards for them.

Compensation Available From the Diocese of San Diego

As a means of reimbursing sexual abuse survivors for their losses, the Diocese of San Diego and five other dioceses in California worked together to create the Independent Compensation Fund. This fund provides a way for survivors to anonymously and efficiently submit their claims to receive settlements within 90 days, on average.  You could receive a settlement through the state program if you have a valid case against a priest or another clergy member within the Dioceses of San Diego, LA, Orange, San Bernardino, Fresno or Sacramento. Our San Diego clergy abuse lawyers may be able to help you build a case and fight for fair compensation through the dioceses’ fund.

Is a Civil Lawsuit Better?

One outlet for recovery is not better than another. They are simply different paths a survivor can take while striving to achieve financial compensation for his or her damages. The right choice for you will depend on your situation. One of the main factors is the statute of limitations. A civil lawsuit comes with one, while a claim through the compensation fund does not.
If you wait too long to come forward about clergy sexual abuse, you may lose your right to file a personal injury claim altogether. In California, the statute of limitations is generally 8 years from the survivor’s 18th birthday. An exception is if the survivor does not discover his or her injuries until later, in which case the survivor will have three years from the date of discovery (or the date the survivor reasonably should have discovered the wrongdoing) to file.

If you have not waited too long, however, and still have the right to bring a lawsuit against the Diocese of San Diego, a civil case could result in greater compensation than the independent fund. Choosing the right type of claim for you will depend on the unique factors of your case as well as your goals for the suit. If you desire a fast settlement, the compensation fund may be suitable. If you prefer to hold out for maximum relief, however, a lawsuit could be best.

Contact Our Diocese of San Diego Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorneys

At DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo, our Diocese of San Diego clergy abuse lawyers hosts free, entirely confidential meetings with potential clients at our law office, a hospital or the client’s home. We will never disclose your identity during your case if you wish to remain anonymous. You can trust us with your delicate sexual abuse claim and anything you wish to say about your traumatic experiences. We will protect your rights and help you fight against abusers, churches, and/or the Diocese of San Diego.

Get answers to your questions today during a no-cost consultation. Request one online or call (714) 783-2205.

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