Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
The whole purpose of a bulldozer is to level the ground and move earth, debris, wreckage, and other heavy objects or materials. Due to that, they are very dangerous. Accidents are common at construction sites due to negligent acts, coworker accidents, lack of training, bulldozer defects, and people rushing and cutting corners. It is important to speak with an Orange County bulldozer injury lawyer about your case. Bulldozer accidents can happen for many reasons that are discussed below. Being hurt on the job by a bulldozer can cause major injuries.
There are many types of bulldozers and heavy equipment on a construction site. All can cause very serious injuries. The bulldozer operator is usually in a protective cage. It is a type of crawling piece of equipment that has a very heavy metal blade secured to its front end and a ripper (or claw) attached to its rear. They use tracks to not only propel themselves but also to gain a very strong foothold to the ground to allow them the strongest push possible. There are a few types of blades including a straight blade (S blade) that is mainly used for finer work, an S-U combo blade that is mainly used for pushing boulders and rock, and a universal blade (U blade). The most common types of bulldozers to cause accidents to include excavators, rhino machinery, Caterpillar bulldozers, remediation bulldozers, bulldozer backhoe, Case bulldozer, Terex bulldozer, International Harvester bulldozer, and others. People can be crushed, smashed, dumped on, hit with, or rolled over by a bulldozer in the blink of an eye so always be sure to be cautious while working or around bulldozers.
It is important for all employers, general contractors, subcontractors, and supervisors to fully train all employers, laborers, and workers who will be using any type of bulldozer on the proper way to use that specific model and how to maintain it for optimal safety. Some of the main causes for dozer accidents are from operators not paying attention, bulldozer drivers view blocked by cargo or bad weather, bulldozers colliding with trees, animals, tree stumps, boulders, farm equipment, construction equipment, power lines, water pipes, gas pipes, sprinklers, and buildings, bulldozers being overloaded, bulldozer brakes not working, defective brakes, bulldozer operators not using horns, bulldozer drivers being drunk or intoxicated, bulldozer going too fast, bulldozer going uphill or downhill without proper safety techniques, bulldozer operators not using their mirrors and other safety devices and bulldozer drivers distracted by texting, cell phones, walkie talkie or coworker conversations. Another cause of accidents is negligence on the part of the company who rented the machine to your employer since they have a duty to maintain the bulldozer and make sure it is safe.
The large majority of bulldozer accidents happen at work and construction sites. Employees and their families have rights and are protected under the workers’ comp laws in California. Employers are required to not penalize or fire an employee who files a workers’ compensation claim. Our firm is very experienced at taking care of work comp claims and investigating every accident to uncover all responsible parties including third parties who were also at fault. A construction site has many third parties including many subcontractors, landowners, lessors, renters, and contractors. Our hard-working Orange County construction accident attorneys have over thirty years of experience in maximizing the types and amount of compensation for their clients.
The personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo have represented and helped people who hav0e been driven over by a bulldozer for over three decades so we have the experience to help you win in court. This is true for workers’ compensation, third-party injury cases, product defect cases, bulldozer defect cases, or personal injury cases. Call us today at (714) 783-2205 to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation. We will go for the maximum possible compensation for your on-the-job injury or personal injury and you will not have to pay us until and unless we win your case.