Bagging machines are now used in many industries and the technology has improved where most are automatic bagging machines. These complex machines are used today for bagging powders, grain, liquids, products, packages, bulk products, pharmaceutical products, mail order products, industrial chemicals, industrial supplies, factory orders, garments, clothing, books, catalogs, movies, woodshavings, bales, and much more.
Bagging machines are used so that workers, factory workers, farmers, construction companies, order fulfillment companies, retail shops, and machinists can store, process, handle and ship their materials and products in an effective and automated way.
Our Orange County bagging machine injury lawyers can help you with your case and get you the compensation you deserve. Baggers can be dangerous machines, though, so all business owners, factory supervisors, and other employers whose employees operate one should be sure to train all workers on the proper methods for using and maintaining the specific bagging machine they utilize.
Bagging Machine Definition & Types
There are many companies who manufacture bagging machines including Metral, Boatopack, Bosch, AE, Plexpack, Hugo Beck, Universal Pack, PSI Engineering, HDG, ABG Packmat, Bossar, and Effytec. The types of bagging machines include vertical bagging machines, horizontal baggers, flow wrapping bagging machines, bagging machines for open mouth bags, continuous motion bagging machines, automated bagging machines, rotary weight fillers for powders and granulates, perforating baggers, high speed baggers, cold temperature baggers, hot temperature bagging machines, automatic sealing bagging machines, FFS machines, stick pack machines, filling machines, and more.
Some of these machines can complete a full production cycle but are still injury risks due to product defects, errors, negligent maintenance or training and more.
Bagging Machine Injuries
Accidents and injuries due to a bagger or packing machine can be life-threatening. Some of the potential injuries from bagging machine accidents that we have helped victims with include lacerations, being maimed, amputations, becoming deformed, finger amputations, eye injuries, deep cuts that require stitches, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, lung injuries, inhaling too much saw dust, powders or other irritants, muscle strains, wrongful death, ligament sprains and much more. Remember to call for medical help if you have been injured.
Let Our Bagging Machine Lawyers Help You
The Orange County personal injury lawyers at DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo have helped people who have had bagger accidents for over three decades. We will always go for the maximum compensation that you legally deserve and we will not charge you until and unless you win your case. This is true for workers’ compensation, third party injury cases, product defect cases, baler defect cases, or personal injury cases.
No matter what your employer tells you, you have rights after any work accident or job injury that can potentially protect you. People know us as lawyers who will go the distance for their clients in Orange County. We are also willing to come to you if you cannot come to our office for any reason. We want to help take the stress of a court case off of your shoulders so you can focus on healing.
Contact us online or call us at (714) 783-2205 for a free consultation.