Roundup Hit with $2 Billion Verdict for Causing Cancer

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Posted By DAM Firm | May 15 2019 | News, Personal Injury, Product Liability

Roundup Hit with $2 Billion Verdict for Causing Cancer

Less than 12 months after a jury in Northern California awarded $289 million to a man who contracted cancer from exposure to Roundup, another Northern California jury awarded $80 million to a man diagnosed with cancer that was linked to the use of Roundup around his home.  A third notable trial was recently submitted to…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 1 2019 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Can I Claim Personal Injury If I Was at Fault?

Everyone makes mistakes behind the wheel sometimes. Whether your kids in the back seat momentarily distracted you or accidentally sped through a red light, driving mistakes occur to the best of us – but sometimes, they can lead to severe accidents and injuries. If you were at fault for the accident, you could still receive…

Posted By DAM Firm | April 19 2019 | Personal Injury

How to Detect Signs of Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claims effectively take the place of personal injury claims when victims do not survive their injuries. In some cases, a family may have grounds for a wrongful death claim without realizing it at first. When the cause of death is not immediately determinable, the family and friends of the deceased should fully investigate…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 26 2019 | Personal Injury

What is a Personal Injury Demand Letter & What Needs to Be in It?

If you suffered serious personal injuries because of someone else’s negligence, you have the power to file a civil claim against the party or parties that caused your damages in California. One of the first steps toward obtaining a settlement is submitting your personal injury demand letter. A personal injury lawyer in Orange County can…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 3 2019 | Personal Injury, Truck Accidents

What to Do After a Truck Accident in Orange County

A trucking accident may have left you with serious or debilitating personal injuries. In Orange County, you have the right to review your legal options with an attorney, often free of charge during an initial consultation. During this meeting, your Orange County truck accident lawyer  will explain the next steps to take. You and your…

Posted By DAM Firm | December 18 2018 | Personal Injury

How Do I Know If I Have A Personal Injury Case in Orange County?

If you or a loved one recently suffered injuries and/or economic losses from a specific event, you may wonder whether you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit to recover your damages. You should take several steps to determine whether you can file a personal injury claim. Determining the Scope of Your Damages Personal injury…

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