Justicia para Víctimas de Abuso Sexual Infantil

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Posted By DAM Firm | May 1 2019 | child abuse, News, Spanish

Justicia para Víctimas de Abuso Sexual Infantil

Justicia para Víctimas de Abuso Sexual Infantil por Jess J. Araujo   Existen algunas lesiones que son tan severas y extremas que no existe un remedio perfecto para compensar adecuadamente a las víctimas o para quitar los efectos permanentes del daño sufrido. Tal es el caso de niños víctimas de abuso sexual y violación. Estas…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 1 2019 | English, News

Justice for Child Victims of Sexual Abuse

Justice for Child Victims of Sexual Abuse By Jess J. Araujo There are some injuries that are so extreme and severe that no perfect remedy is available to adequately compensate the victim or to remove the permanent effects of the harm suffered.  Such is the case with child victims of sexual abuse and rape.  These…

Posted By DAM Firm | January 3 2019 | News

New California DMV Laws for 2019

The beginning of 2019 signals major changes for California. Effective on January 1st, the state ushered in a series of new laws that govern everything from gun control to plastic straws in restaurants. The California Department of Motor Vehicles will enact a series of new laws and changes that will affect California vehicles, licenses, and…

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