What To Do After Getting Into a Bicycle Accident

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Posted By DAM Firm | November 23 2020 | Bike Accidents

What To Do After Getting Into a Bicycle Accident

Bicycling is an incredibly popular activity in California. Regardless of whether or not a person is a recreational bicycle rider or if they use their bicycle as their primary method of transportation each day, the fact remains that bicyclists face a higher risk of injury in the event of a collision occurs. According to the…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 23 2020 | Bike Accidents

Does Auto Insurance Cover Bicycle Accidents?

Cycling has become increasingly popular in this state as a preferred exercise and recreation method, as well as an everyday mode of transportation for many individuals. However, bicyclists face more risks on the roadway than those riding in traditional passenger vehicles. The number of bicycle accident injuries has risen in California. Those injured due to…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 29 2019 | Bike Accidents, Personal Injury

California Helmet Laws

You may understand the importance of wearing a helmet, but not the exact laws in California regarding them. Jumping on an electric scooter or bicycle, for example, may involve different helmet laws than a motorcycle. Knowing when the law requires the use of helmets for riders and passengers can help keep you out of legal…

Posted By DAM Firm | December 11 2018 | Bike Accidents, Personal Injury

Bike Rules and Laws for Orange County

Orange County residents should know the bicycling laws and regulations in the county to prevent injuries and limit the chance of liability for an accident. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reports that each year, about 100 bicyclists die in road accidents and more than 10,000 suffer injuries from bicycle accidents. Don’t let that…

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