Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
At DiMarco, Araujo, and Montevideo, we’ve seen plenty of workers’ compensation cases. Our attorneys and staff are all trained to deal with every aspect of a workers’ compensation case, including how to avoid conflict with your physician. If conflict with your physician is keeping you from obtaining compensation or negatively influencing how much you get,…
Sometimes the line between who is considered an employee and who is an independent contractor gets blurred. Many companies prefer to classify workers as independent contractors to avoid paying for workers’ benefits and insurance. Failing to properly classify workers, however, can come with severe consequences. Popular questions about worker classification and injury claims include: What…
Every state approaches workers’ compensation differently. If you are injured on the job in California, understanding the payment structure can help you make decisions about your future. It can also alert you to unfair assessments by your employer or a claims adjuster. Increase your payout and get the benefits you deserve by understanding how benefits…
If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, you may be unsure about what you are entitled to receive by law. During or after a worker’s compensation claim settlement, your employer may make demands you feel are unfair, like returning to work before you have recovered. Here is what you need to know about your rights during recovery….
Employees may be most familiar with workers’ compensation coverage for physical injury and illness in the workplace. Psychological injury, however, can also be eligible for coverage. Commonly called “stress claims,” psychological injuries may be associated with a workplace injury, or they may be entirely separated. Here is what you need to know about filing a…
It is not uncommon for employees to be eligible for both Social Security and worker’s comp benefits at the same time. However, when this is the case, employees are usually not able to receive the full amount of both. Usually, the person’s social security benefits are reduced to receive the amount of worker’s compensation awarded…