Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Article 15-51 ¡No Se Deje! Every State in this country has laws that impose legal obligations on parents for the acts of their minor children. Parents of children that damage public or private property or that injury people are often surprised when the law punishes them (the parents) by imposing significant fines and/or sending them…
Artículo 15-51 Cada Estado en este país tiene leyes que imponen obligaciones legales a los padres por los actos de sus hijos menores. Los padres de hijos menores que dañan propiedad pública o privada o que lesionan a personas frecuentemente se sorprenden cuando la ley los castiga (a los padres) imponiéndoles grandes multas y/o…
Many of us have some kind of opinion about workers’ compensation practices in the US. Employees often feel it doesn’t do enough to support the needs of injured workers, while employers resent that they have to carry the additional insurance to stay in business. However, there was a time not too very long ago when…
Artículo 15-50 Varias decisiones de la Corte Suprema han causado críticas cuestionando la integridad de la justicia en este país. La reputación conservada por largo tiempo de entregar el más alto nivel de justicia está basada en nuestra aplicación consistente de principios legales sólidos designados para asegurar que cada persona será tratada igualmente bajo la…
Article 15-50 ¡No Se Deje! Several Supreme Court decisions have caused critics to question the integrity of justice in this country. The long held reputation for producing the highest level of justice is based on our consistent application of sound legal principles designed to ensure that every person will be treated equally under the law….
California law provides a very important right for immigrants facing criminal charges. Most immigrants know that they can be deported if they are convicted of committing certain crimes. But, too many immigrants only learn, after they plead guilty to a crime, that they will be deported. In many other states, by that time it is…