Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Injuries can affect individuals in different ways. Sometimes, damages have certain short-term effects that change or worsen as time passes. If you have already settled your workers’ compensation case and are experiencing deteriorating symptoms, there are a few ways you can address your current situation. Compromise and Release Settlements If your original settlement is considered…
Article 16-08 ¡No Se Deje! Immigration Officials Violated Immigrants’ Rights Some time ago Immigration Judge Ashley Tabaddor stopped the deportation case against Gregorio Perez Cruz because agents of IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT (ICE) violated his Civil and Constitutional Rights. Evidence presented to the Judge proved that armed ICE agents illegally prohibited workers from leaving the…
Artículo 16-08 Funcionarios de Inmigración Violaron Derechos de los Inmigrantes Hace algún tiempo la Juez de Inmigración, Ashley Tabaddor, suspendió el caso de deportación contra Gregorio Pérez Cruz porque agentes de IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT-ICE (en español Agencia de Inmigración y Aduanas) violaron sus Derechos Civiles y Constitucionales. La evidencia presentada a la Juez demostró…
Article 16-07 ¡No Se Deje! History has shown us that when the economy of this country is bad, creditors and their collection agencies become very aggressive. When their income drops from normal business activities, they try to make it up by going after past customers that still owe them money. Many desperate business owners hire…
Artículo 16-07 La historia nos ha mostrado que cuando la economía de este país anda mal, los acreedores y sus agencias de cobro se vuelven muy agresivos. Cuando sus ingresos por actividades comerciales normales disminuyen, tratan de reponerlos persiguiendo a los clientes antiguos que todavía les deben dinero. Muchos propietarios de negocios contratan agencias…
I2P2 has been mentioned in workplace safety organizations since its introduction in 2010. According to the articles around that time, the federal program would completely change OSHA enforcement capabilities and significantly enhance workplace safety. Instead of bringing about widespread change in the workplace, I2P2 has lurked in the background, leaving many business owners wondering what they…