The Pros and Cons of Settling a Workers’ Compensation Case

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Posted By DAM Firm | March 17 2016 | English

The Pros and Cons of Settling a Workers’ Compensation Case

Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be a long, tiring process, especially if your case is rejected. It is often more difficult, however, to know when a claim should be accepted or challenged. After extensive treatment and emotional anxiety, it may be tempting to accept whatever amount you are offered and move on. You may…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 15 2016 | Spanish


Article 16-12   Las leyes Federales contra la discriminación protegen a todas las personas en este país, independientemente de su estatus migratorio (incluyendo a inmigrantes indocumentados), de la discriminación injusta e ilegal.  Las leyes laborales contra la discriminación disponen que es ilegal que los patrones tomen alguna decisión laboral, basados en la raza, color, nacionalidad…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 15 2016 | English


Article 16-12 ¡No Se Deje! Federal anti-discrimination laws protect all persons in this country, regardless of immigration status (including undocumented immigrants) from unfair and illegal discrimination.  Employment anti-discrimination laws make it illegal for employers to make any employment decisions based on a person’s race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or sex.  It is illegal to…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 10 2016 | English

Independent Medical Reviews in California

When a dispute is raised regarding a denied workers’ compensation claim, the original medical treatment is evaluated through California’s independent medical review (IMR) program. The recently reformed law addresses any injury that occurred in the past. Many states process workers’ compensation claims through the court system, but by allowing physicians and healthcare experts to asses…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 9 2016 | Spanish

Puestos de Control de Conductores Ebrios atrapan más Inmigrantes Sobrios que Conductores Ebrios

Artículo 16-11   Muchos Departamentos de la Policía Municipal rutinariamente montan Puestos de Control de Conductores Ebrios para identificar y enjuiciar a conductores ebrios.  Un reporte del respetable Programa de Reportajes Investigativos de la Universidad de California reveló que estos “puestos de control” tienen mucho más éxito aprisionando vehículos de inmigrantes sobrios que arrestando conductores…

Posted By DAM Firm | March 9 2016 | English

Drunk Driving Checkpoints Trap More Sober Immigrants Than Drunk Drivers

Article 16-11 ¡No Se Deje! Many Municipal Police Departments routinely set up Drunk Driving Checkpoints to identify and prosecute drunk drivers.  A report by the well respected Investigative Reporting Program of the University of California revealed that these “checkpoints” are much more successful at impounding the cars of sober immigrants than arresting drunk drivers.  As…

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