Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Article 16-32 ¡No Se Deje! Medical negligence, also known as medical malpractice, is among the most contentious and controversial problems in America today. Each year hundreds of thousands of people suffer serious injury or death due to preventable medical errors and mistakes. Is there an adequate remedy for victims of medical negligence/malpractice? A study…
The obesity epidemic continues to plague America with 37.5% of adults in the United States as obese. Unfortunately this can also cause problems with workers’ compensation. Doctors connect obesity to a variety of health problems, including diabetes, heart attacks, and high blood pressure. It also exacerbates the effects of injuries such as back and neck…
Artículo 16-31 Si usted pide dinero prestado para comprar un vehículo, el banco o compañía financiera requiere que usted firme un contrato de préstamo. Estos contratos son documentos muy largos que intimidan y contienen muchos términos y condiciones que están diseñados para proteger al prestamista o compañía financiera. Una de las protecciones más importantes…
Article 16-31 ¡No Se Deje! If you borrow money to buy a vehicle, the bank or finance company requires you to sign a loan agreement. These agreements are long intimidating documents that contain many terms and conditions that are designed to protect the lender. One of the most important protections that the law and the…
California’s workers’ compensation remedy rule has both simplified the system by which an injured worker can receive compensation while also trapping certain injured employees and limiting their options for relief. The state’s exclusive remedy rule means that workers’ remedies for work-related injuries can be limited solely to a workers’ compensation claim against the employer. In other…
Artículo 16-30 Elpidia Braza confió completamente en su esposo, Emiliano Braza. Cuando él la llevó al banco y le pidió que firmara un formulario frente a un Notary Public, ella rápida y gustosamente accedió. Elpidia Braza NO LEYO EL FORMULARIO ANTES DE FIRMARLO. Ni el Sr. Braza ni el Notary Public le explicó para qué…