Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Article 16-40 ¡No Se Deje! Ricardo Valadez was stopped by a police officer for “impeding traffic”. A search of Mr. Valadez’ truck revealed several undocumented immigrants. Mr. Valadez was also charged with “transporting illegal aliens”. His attorney filed a petition to exclude all evidence found in the truck asserting that the stop was unlawful. The…
Automation, for the most part, has been a good thing. Technology has enabled the human race to complete incredible feats across every industry, from remote warzone operations to surgical procedures via laparoscopy. As technology continues to outpace human workers, however, many industries are afraid of losing too many jobs to machines – or of becoming…
Personal injury is an inherent hazard of playing football. The risk of traumatic head and brain injury, torn ligaments, and severe fractures follow all football players throughout their professional careers. The National Football League (NFL) especially places players in danger, pressuring them to return to the field as quickly as possible after an injury –…
Workplace injuries come in various shapes and forms, from a pulled muscle lifting heavy boxes to catastrophic injury at a construction site. America’s workers are at risk of personal injury in virtually every industry. Federal and state workers’ compensation laws serve to protect injured workers, covering their medical costs and other related losses. Unfortunately, workers’…
Article 16-41 ¡No Se Deje! An undocumented immigrant woman, working as a cook for Perkins Restaurant and Bakery, complained to her employer about being sexually harassed by a supervisor. During the investigation of the sexual harassment complaint, the employer discovered that the worker’s Social Security number was not issued to her name. The supervisor that…
Artículo 16-41 Una mujer inmigrante indocumentada, que trabajaba como cocinera para Perkins Restaurant and Bakery, se quejó con su empleador de ser acosada sexualmente por un supervisor. Durante la investigación de la queja de acoso sexual, el empleador descubrió que el número del Seguro Social de la trabajadora no estaba emitido a su nombre. El…