What Are the Penalties for Not Providing Workers’ Comp to Employees?

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Posted By DAM Firm | May 19 2017 | Workers Rights, Workers' Comp

What Are the Penalties for Not Providing Workers’ Comp to Employees?

The California workers’ compensation program is in place to protect employees in the event of work-related injuries. According to the California Labor Code Section 3700, all California employers must provide workers’ comp benefits to employees – any business that employs one or more employees must satisfy this law. The state of California takes the workers’ compensation…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 15 2017 | English

$40 Million Workers’ Compensation Scam Uncovered in Orange County

In Orange County, California, police have charged a number of pharmacists, doctors, and business owners in one of the largest workers’ compensation fraud rings in the county’s history. The alleged orchestrators of the operation, couple Christopher and Tanya King, face several felony charges. If the courts convict Tanya King of all charges, she may face…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 15 2017 | English


Article 17-16 ¡No Se Deje! Federal law and the laws of all of the states prohibit discrimination in transactions dealing with the rental, sale, financing or appraisal of housing.  Federal and California laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, gender, pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability or family status.   California law provides even more protection against…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 12 2017 | Spanish


  Artículo 17-16   La ley Federal y las leyes de todos los estados prohíben la discriminación en transacciones que tratan sobre el arrendamiento, venta, financiamiento o valoración de las viviendas.  Las leyes Federales y de California prohíben la discriminación basada en la raza, color, género, embarazo, religión, nacionalidad de origen, incapacidad, o estatus familiar.  …

Posted By DAM Firm | May 1 2017 | English, Workers Rights

California Workers’ Comp Reforms Save State $1.3 Billion

In 2012, the state passed Senate Bill 863. The bill introduced several reforms for the workers’ compensation system. While the true value of the reforms will take years to manifest, the state is already seeing positive changes. In late 2016, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) released a cost-monitoring report of the reforms in…

Posted By DAM Firm | April 27 2017 | English

California Claims Highest Settlement, Again

To date, California holds the record for the highest workers’ compensation settlement values in the country. In March 2017, a workers’ compensation attorney beat his own nationwide record of an $8.9 million settlement with a $10 million settlement. While not every settlement can reach such high thresholds, a lawyer who understands all possible sources of…

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