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Posted By DAM Firm | June 27 2017 | English


Article 17-17 ¡No Se Deje! Federal employment discrimination laws are usually used to protect minority group members from unlawful treatment by employers.  These laws typically only apply to employers who have 15 or more employees.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the agency that enforces these laws. Some time ago the EEOC filed a…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 27 2017 | Spanish


  Artículo 17-17   Las leyes Federales contra la discriminación laboral usualmente son usadas para proteger a miembros de grupos minoritarios del tratamiento ilícito de parte de los patrones.  Típicamente estas leyes solo aplican a patrones que tienen 15 o más empleados.  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-EEOC (en español Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidades de…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 27 2017 | Uncategorized

Different Types of Pain and Workers’ Compensation

Pain. We all think we know what it means—but do we? You know what it means to you, but pain is subjective. Everyone feels it differently, and the manner in which it is experience reflects the particular physiological and psychological make-up of the individual, the trigger for the pain, along with other underlying factors that…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 20 2017 | Uncategorized

What is AB 1124?

Prescription medications are a large part of many Workers’ Compensation cases. With thousands of drugs on the market, many being actively promoted to doctors by the pharmaceutical companies that hold the patent on them, how does a doctor determine which is the best drug to prescribe? Every year, the US Food and Drug administration approves…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 12 2017 | English, Workers Rights

How California Workers’ Compensation Reform (SB 863) May Affect Your Claim

Back in 2012, the California State Legislature undertook a dramatic reform of the state’s Workers’ Compensation system. The new law, SB 863, which took effect the following year, contained provisions designed to reduce costs to the employer/insurer, while offering a mix of improved benefits and unfortunate restrictions to the injured claimant. As a result, while…

Posted By DAM Firm | May 24 2017 | English

Is Suicide Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

The workers’ compensation program in California provides an outlet for workers that suffer illness or injury during job-related tasks. Workers’ compensation also covers losses incurred from the death of a worker, with money given to the surviving family members. While there is no need to prove fault to receive workers’ comp coverage for accidental job-related…

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