Is There Legal Recourse for Late Workers’ Comp Checks?

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Posted By DAM Firm | September 19 2017 | Uncategorized

Is There Legal Recourse for Late Workers’ Comp Checks?

Injured workers rely on benefit checks for the costs of daily living. Workers who cannot return to full-time work because of job-related injuries or illnesses will receive temporary disability (TD) benefits, partial disability benefits, or permanent disability benefits through the California Workers’ Compensation Program. When a workers’ comp check is late, the injured worker may…

Posted By DAM Firm | September 12 2017 | Uncategorized

What is a Drug Formulary?

A drug formulary is a list of prescription drugs that healthcare practitioners use to identify medications that will offer the greatest overall value to patients. Drug formularies include brand name and generic drugs. A committee of local experts, physicians, and pharmacists create and maintain drug formularies, choosing medications based on safety and effectiveness. A new…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 22 2017 | Uncategorized

Workers’ Compensation Under Single-Payer System

In the face of a changing political field, attacks on labor, and the issues with how the nation treats its injured and ill workers, California lawmakers believe they may have found a solution. Despite Washington pushing for a market approach to healthcare, Sen. Toni Atkins of San Diego and State Sen. Ricardo Lara are going…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 18 2017 | English


Artículo 17-29   Los casos de violencia doméstica son, y deben ser tratados como, emergencias peligrosas.  El público ha quedado impactado y triste al enterarse de los muchos casos de violencia doméstica que resultan en lesiones serias y/o muerte.  Aún cuando la violencia doméstica no resulte fatal, los niños en la casa generalmente quedan afectados…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 18 2017 | English

Judges Must Explain Why They Denied Requests For Restraining Orders in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic violence cases are, and must be treated as, dangerous emergencies.  The public has been shocked and saddened to learn of the many domestic violence cases that result in serious injuries and/or death.  Even when the domestic violence is not fatal, children in the home are often scarred for life emotionally.  Most of the victims…

Posted By DAM Firm | August 15 2017 | Uncategorized

Overview of 2016 CA Workers’ Comp Losses and Expenses

Annual reports regarding the California Workers’ Compensation Program’s losses and expenses can help the state see where the greatest payments occur in the system. These reports keep track of yearly program spending and compare data across different financial categories to see where the state could make improvements. The 2016 Report by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance…

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