California Jaywalking Laws

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Posted By DAM Firm | July 15 2019 | Personal Injury

California Jaywalking Laws

Jaywalking is a common term for a pedestrian crossing the street at a place that is not an intersection or crosswalk. Although California law does not specifically use the term jaywalking, it prohibits crossing the road at any place except in designated locations. If a vehicle strikes a jaywalking pedestrian, the pedestrian could be wholly…

Posted By DAM Firm | July 1 2019 | Workers Rights

What Is a Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher?

In the state of California, after an employee suffers on-the-job injuries it is up to the discretion of a doctor to determine if the worker requires any work restrictions or accommodations to return to work. The employer must consider these restrictions if the employee returns to work. In some cases, the employee is unable to…

Posted By DAM Firm | July 1 2019 | Workers Rights

What Is the Workers’ Compensation Medical Disclosure Act?

Workers’ compensation insurance is there to benefit workers injured on the job, but it can be complex and difficult to understand. This is especially true when your employer’s insurance company denies your claim. The intent of workers’ compensation laws is to support workers, but the job of an insurance company claims adjuster is to protect…

Posted By DAM Firm | July 1 2019 | Workers Rights

Understanding Labor Code 4850

California enacted Labor Code 4850 to benefit law enforcement officers, firefighters and other public safety/service employees in the event they suffer an injury while performing their duties. The labor code allows these workers to receive their full salaries for no more than one year within a five-year period from the date an on-the-job injury. The…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 28 2019 | Sexual Abuse

Can I File a Sexual Abuse Claim Without Telling My Family?

Survivors of sexual crimes have different needs for privacy. Some survivors want the counsel and support of their families, while others may not want their families informed or involved. At DiMarco Araujo Montevideo in Santa Ana, we provide compassionate, experienced representation and work with our clients to protect their privacy. Contact us today if you…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 26 2019 | Sexual Abuse

If I File a Sex Abuse Claim, Will My Name Be Public or Kept Private?

In addition to criminal prosecution, perpetrators of sexual crimes may be sued by their survivors in civil court for damages. However, embarrassment and exposure to public scrutiny can sometimes prevent survivors from filing claims against perpetrators of sexual abuse. Is it possible to keep your name private in a sexual abuse claim? Contact DiMarco Araujo…

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