Left Turn Motorcycle Accident Claims

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Left Turn Motorcycle Accident Claims

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Posted By DAM Firm | March 12 2025 | Motorcycle Accidents

Accidents involving left turns can be especially dangerous for motorcyclists because cars often fail to see them or accurately judge their speed. Understanding these accidents and when you may have a successful personal injury claim is essential.

If you’ve been injured, knowing your rights and the steps to file a claim can help you seek fair compensation for your injuries and other losses.

How Do Left Turn Accidents Occur? 

Left-turn motorcycle accidents often occur when a driver making a left turn misjudges the situation and fails to notice an oncoming motorcycle. Here are some common factors that lead to these accidents:

  • The turning driver may not yield the right of way to a motorcyclist, causing a collision. 
  • Distractions or a momentary lapse in attention can lead the driver to miss the motorcycle entirely. 
  • Poor visibility, such as during bad weather or at night, makes it harder for drivers to see approaching motorcycles. 
  • Some drivers may incorrectly assume that the motorcycle will slow down or yield during the turn. 
  • Speed miscalculations and aggressive turning can also contribute to dangerous situations.

Understanding these common causes of left turn accidents can help you stay safer on the road.

How to Prove Negligence in a Left Turn Motorcycle Accident 

If you’ve been injured in a left-turn motorcycle crash, showing that the other driver acted carelessly is key to winning your case. Below are some of the main types of evidence used to prove negligence.

Police Reports 

When police arrive at the accident scene, they usually document what happened and who they believe may be at fault. If any of the drivers involved were given citations, this should be noted as well. You can use this official report as evidence that the other driver caused the crash.

Witness Statements 

Bystanders or other vehicle passengers may have seen details you hadn’t noticed. Written or recorded accounts from these witnesses can back up your version of events and show how the other driver was negligent. Make sure you get their contact information so your lawyer can speak with them later if necessary. 

Photographic or Video Evidence 

Pictures of the damage, road conditions, and injuries can help piece together exactly how your accident occurred. Dashcam or traffic camera footage can be especially valuable in showing how the collision happened.

Expert Testimony 

Sometimes, accident reconstruction experts examine damage to your motorcycle, check skid marks, or use technology to re-create the crash. Their findings can pinpoint what caused the collision and highlight unsafe driving decisions by the other party.

The best way to get the evidence you need to prove your case is to reach out to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. 

Why You Need a Lawyer For a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents often result in severe injuries that can leave victims facing major medical bills, lost wages, and long recovery times. On top of these challenges, many people hold biases against motorcyclists, which can make it harder to prove fault or win fair compensation. A lawyer can help you overcome these hurdles by gathering strong evidence, fighting insurance companies that underpay or deny claims, and presenting your case in a way that confronts any unfair prejudices. 

Working with a motorcycle injury lawyer in Orange County allows you to focus on healing while having your legal rights and financial interests protected by a professional. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. 

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