Insurance Requirements in California

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Posted By DAM Firm | October 31 2019 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Insurance Requirements in California

Driving in California comes with certain legal requirements. One of the most well-known – and important – requirements is that of carrying adequate automobile insurance. State car insurance laws aim to protect all roadway users after traffic accidents. In California, the party not at fault for the collision will not be financially liable for damages….

Posted By DAM Firm | October 18 2019 | Car Accidents

Is it Illegal to Eat While Driving in California?

Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous driver habits in California. Too many drivers take slow traffic or busy lives as excuses to multitask while driving. Doing anything other than driving while behind the wheel, however, can put roadway users at risk. Nationwide, over 3,100 people died in distracted driving accidents in 2017 alone….

Posted By DAM Firm | October 11 2019 | Personal Injury

California Subrogation Laws

Subrogation is an insurance term you may encounter after a personal injury accident in California. Subrogation is an action your insurance company can take to recover the amount it gave you to cover your medical expenses. The insurer will not request a subrogation payment from you, but rather from the party that caused your accident….

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