Can I File a Sexual Abuse Claim Without Telling My Family?

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Posted By DAM Firm | June 28 2019 | Sexual Abuse

Can I File a Sexual Abuse Claim Without Telling My Family?

Survivors of sexual crimes have different needs for privacy. Some survivors want the counsel and support of their families, while others may not want their families informed or involved. At DiMarco Araujo Montevideo in Santa Ana, we provide compassionate, experienced representation and work with our clients to protect their privacy. Contact us today if you…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 26 2019 | Sexual Abuse

If I File a Sex Abuse Claim, Will My Name Be Public or Kept Private?

In addition to criminal prosecution, perpetrators of sexual crimes may be sued by their survivors in civil court for damages. However, embarrassment and exposure to public scrutiny can sometimes prevent survivors from filing claims against perpetrators of sexual abuse. Is it possible to keep your name private in a sexual abuse claim? Contact DiMarco Araujo…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 24 2019 | Clergy Abuse

What if My Independent Compensation Claim Is Against Clergy of Another Diocese?

Compensation is available under the Independent Compensation Program for survivors who were sexually abused as minors by a priest of certain Dioceses in Southern California. But what recourse do survivors have if the sexual abuse was committed by clergy of another Diocese or religious order? If you or your child is a survivor, contact DiMarco…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 22 2019 | Clergy Abuse

Receiving Compensation from the Independent Compensation Program

A number of instances have come to light of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests throughout the nation. If you or your child is a survivor of clerical sexual abuse in certain Southern California Dioceses, you may be entitled to file a claim with the Independent Compensation Program. Call DiMarco | Araujo | Montevideo…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 20 2019 | Clergy Abuse

Filing a Claim with the Independent Compensation Program

Victims of sexual abuse by priests in certain Southern California Dioceses have the option to file a claim for compensation with the Independent Compensation Program, an independent program run by two nationally-recognized claims administrators. At DiMarco Araujo Montevideo in Santa Ana, we can help you explore your legal options. Speak with an experienced Orange County…

Posted By DAM Firm | June 16 2019 | Clergy Abuse

What Is the Independent Compensation Program?

Clerical child sexual abuse has led to numerous civil lawsuits filed by survivors against the Catholic Church in California. The Independent Compensation Program is a program independent of the Dioceses, administered by two nationally recognized administrators, who have complete autonomy to determine eligibility of individual claims and the amount of compensation for victims. It is…

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