The Push for Accountability for Priest Abuse

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Posted By DAM Firm | February 5 2019 | Child Sexual Abuse, Clergy Abuse, English

The Push for Accountability for Priest Abuse

Throughout the country, Catholic Dioceses are releasing the identities of priests and clergymen who committed deviant acts of abuse against children. In late 2018, the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, vowed that the Catholic Church will never again cover up clergy abuse.  While the Catholic Church’s position under Pope Francis has been one…

Posted By DAM Firm | February 4 2019 | English, Product Liability

Verdicts and Lawsuits Against Roundup for Causing Cancer

The once popular weed-killer Roundup, commonly used by homeowners, landscapers, and farmers, has been linked to an increased risk of developing cancer, and more specifically, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  The molecule “glyphosate” is the active chemical in Roundup that was once thought to be harmless, but it is now at the center of lawsuits nationwide against Bayer…

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