Transgender Workers Receive Protection Against Discrimination

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Posted By DAM Firm | November 30 2017 | Workers Rights

Transgender Workers Receive Protection Against Discrimination

For many years, transgender employees did not enjoy the same protection against discrimination afforded to other employees. They experienced higher rates of unemployment and were more likely to be underemployed or earning less income when compared to the general population. This situation stems from lack of awareness and understanding by society toward the issues that…

Posted By DAM Firm | November 24 2017 | Workers Rights

What Is the California Family Rights Act?

Passed into law in 1993, the CFRA guarantees California (CA) residents time away from work to provide care for a qualifying individual without fear of losing their job. To help you understand the CFRA and how it applies to you, consider the following information and how it may help your claim. What Is the CFRA? Similar…

Posted By DAM Firm | November 17 2017 | Uncategorized

Can I Take Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Time While on Workers’ Comp?

Many people experience illnesses or injuries that prevent them from working. To protect them from losing their job, employees can file for help from the FMLA and file for workers’ compensation. However, some people fail to understand how these programs function together and sometimes find themselves working for a company that takes advantage of that…

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