Postmates To Pay Retroactive Workers’ Comp Premiums

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Posted By DAM Firm | February 28 2017 | English

Postmates To Pay Retroactive Workers’ Comp Premiums

The gig economy represents a potential boon for both workers and employers. As interest in contract work rises, so do questions about employment and employer sponsored benefits. A recent audit in Washington State revealed that one popular delivery startup may owe the state more than two years’ worth of workers’ compensation premiums. Employers must follow…

Posted By DAM Firm | February 24 2017 | English

Overview of 2016 WCIRB Report on California Workers’ Compensation

In fall 2016, the state’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) released a report on insurer experiences. The report contains information from nearly all workers’ compensation insurers in the state of California. The report reveals trends and insights employers can use to make informed decisions about insurance coverage and claims. Key Findings in the September…

Posted By DAM Firm | February 22 2017 | English

San Bernardino Terror Victims Fight for Workers’ Comp Benefits

A little over a year after the San Bernardino terror attack, victims continue to struggle both physically and emotionally. County employees present at the attack must cope with the aftermath as well as the state’s complex worker’s compensation program. Many of the survivors have turned to legal support to fight compensation claim delays and denials….

Posted By DAM Firm | February 17 2017 | English


Article 17-05 ¡No Se Deje! People that are citizens of this country because they were born here cannot be deported.  U. S. born citizens do have the right to voluntarily renounce their citizenship but it cannot be taken from them.  This is true even if they have been convicted of committing horrendous crimes including multiple…

Posted By DAM Firm | February 17 2017 | Spanish


  Artículo 17-05 Las personas que son ciudadanas de este país porque nacieron aquí no pueden ser deportadas.  Los ciudadanos de EE.UU. por nacimiento sí tienen derecho a renunciar voluntariamente a su ciudadanía pero no se les puede quitar.  Esto es cierto aún si han sido condenados por cometer crímenes horrendos incluyendo múltiples asesinatos, violaciones,…

Posted By DAM Firm | February 15 2017 | Spanish


 Artículo 17-03 Debido a que los trabajadores de lavado de carros están entre los empleados menos pagados, menos protegidos, más abusados y explotados en California; el Estado aprobó en 2003 una ley protectora muy necesaria.  La LEY DE LOS TRABAJADORES DE LAVADO DE CARROS exige que las empresas de lavado de carros registren sus negocios…

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