Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.
Artículo 16-39 B La semana pasada, en la Primera Parte de este artículo les expliqué que los relevos -“releases” en inglés- son contratos o convenios que limitan o extinguen el derecho legal a demandar. Muchos relevos son formas cortas de una sola página pero también pueden ser documentos complicados que tienen una extensión de…
Article 16-39 B ¡No Se Deje! In the first part of this article last week, I explained that releases are contracts or agreements that limit or end legal rights to sue. Many releases are short one page forms but they can be complicated documents that are several pages long. Releases are used to settle legal…
In the past, boredom at work was just another part of the job. Boring jobs pay the bills, after all, and employees either dealt with their boredom or found a more captivating career. Thanks to new studies about how boredom affects mental health, however, employees are now not only unwilling to tolerate a boring job,…
Article 16-39A ¡No Se Deje! Releases are contracts or agreements that limit or end legal rights to sue. Many releases are short one page forms but they can be complicated documents that are several pages long. Releases are used to settle legal claims and lawsuits between the parties. For example, in typical auto accident cases,…
Artículo 16-39A Los relevos –“releases” en inglés- son contratos o convenios que limitan o extinguen el derecho legal a demandar. Muchos relevos son formas cortas de una sola página pero también pueden ser documentos complicados que tienen una extensión de varias páginas. Los relevos son utilizados para solucionar reclamos legales y demandas entre…
As lawmakers around the nation more widely accept the use of medical marijuana (and recreational in some states), workers’ compensation systems face a new predicament. Marijuana legalization is a complex legal issue with many implications for the workplace. Employee drug testing and drug-free work policies may have to undergo a change, as well as workers’…