Teen Workplace Safety

Our attorneys have been assisting the Orange County and Southern California communities for over 40 years.

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Posted By DAM Firm | September 30 2015 | Uncategorized

Teen Workplace Safety

When summer begins, many teens and college students look for part-time work. They may settle on jobs like landscaping, construction, and maintenance, which can have high rates of injury. Even jobs in places like coffee shops and movie theaters can lead to burn injuries. Unfortunately, many teens entering the work force are unaware of their…

Posted By DAM Firm | September 23 2015 | Workers' Comp

Are Ride-Sharing Drivers Entitled to Workers’ Compensation?

Ride-Sharing companies like Uber and Lyft are changing the way people commute. With cheaper prices than taxi services and payment that is controlled directly through a service’s app, acquiring a ride has never been easier. However, since drivers are regular citizen workers, this raises some interesting questions about their rights especially when it comes to sustaining an…

Posted By DAM Firm | September 17 2015 | Uncategorized

Liability in the 21st Century

When an accident happens, designating liability is usually pretty straightforward. If you are injured due to a car accident that is not your fault, for example, you may seek damages from the other driver. Thanks to advances in technology, however, the rules are becoming less black-and-white. In an interesting case involving Volkswagen in Germany, a…

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